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Plants and Coffees



Chanelle’s Strawberry Cold Tea Recipe🍓🍵


-2 pots




-tea of your choice


  1. Bring one pot of water to boil.

  2. While that is boiling, cut up strawberries into very small squares.(the amount will depend on how much tea you want)

  3. Then, put strawberries into a bowl and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

  4. Put strawberries and sugar mixture in a pot and put on very low heat and stir.

  5. While that is heating up, the water should be boiled so put into a cup and put the tea bag in of your choice. I use chamomile, but green tea is also really good.

  6. Let the tea sit in water then gently stir strawberries. Make sure to keep a close eye on them so they don’t burn. 

  7. Leave strawberries in the pot until they are a thick liquid. Then put them in a bowl and mash them with a spoon and set them aside.

  8. Take tea bags out of tea and strain strawberry liquid into the tea.

  9. Mix well and put ice cubes with the strawberry tea then refrigerate!

  10. After a couple of hours, tea should be cold and ready to drink. Enjoy!

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